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A Blessed Winter

Hello! It has been years since I have written a blog post! A lot has been occurring in my life this year! For starters, I have applied and been accepted to Houghton College! I am enrolled to begin in the Fall 2021 semester this year! I have also obtained a vocation for journalism! Yes, God has given me several messages that I should take on journalism. Therefore, my major will be communication arts and my minor is drawing. I am tangibly pumped to be moving to a Christian college that revolves around Christ-centered individuals and girls who are my own age! I think that I will make good friends there because most of the girls will share similar interests with me! Moreover, I am swaying towards the profession of a broadcasting journalist or reporter. I think a reporter is a journalist who broadcasts stories live "on the scene". However, I would like to do this instead of sitting in a newsroom all day simply reading some lines.

Whatever I will become in the future I know it is Gods doing and I need not fret a drop. After all, life does not revolve around pleasing ourselves but pleasing our King Jesus. That is why I have altered the name of this blog from "the good life" to "Julia's Joy". Yesterday, my mother revealed to me the hidden acronyms in the word JOY. They signify whom we should strive to please in life and the order in which we should do so. I will write another blog post in the future elaborating this acronym.

J - Jesus

O - Others

Y - Yourself

Moreover, I have had a lovely winter this year! Since I will be moving away to Canadea, Allegany County in 6 months I have prayed for Jesus to bless me with the peace, gratitude, hope, and joy that he does every year. I love my family a lot and it is going to be a tough change at first. Our distance can physically separate us but we will always remain close in spirit and prayer. I have been organizing myself a daily schedule to follow everyday. I will do another blog post on that. My favorite part of the day is just waking up and enjoying some tea while reading and doing some schoolwork. I feel productive and relaxed! I think most people might be bored at home due to the coronavirus but this isn't really the case. I LOVE to be home with my family and pets; Casey and Lucy. Furthermore, I will introduce them in another blog post! Here are some pictures of all the snow!


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