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Morticia's Days

During the coronavirus of 2021 all of my "on campus" classes were diverted into "online courses". I have been able to acquire a lot of free time after reading some of my textbooks for hours at home each day. On my free time I used to exercise a lot but because it is snowing I don't go out as much. Hence, I resort to the TV at times. I know this is not a liable option by any means. But I have to admit its certainly developed into a guilty pleasure of mine. I indulge cozying up by our fireplace with a nice throw and some hot chocolate from the Netherlands. Don't get me wrong this isn't a daily habit of mine (more of a weekly one).

But when I do watch some TV it is almost always a romance. I adore a good old romance movie from the 50's 60's 70's 80's or 90's. Why so vintage? Because back then romance movies were far less racy and vulgar than today. Yes, there are kiss scenes but what movie nowadays doesn't involve one? But I must admit after browsing a wide selection of; movies, TV shows, and broadcastings I have come to adore certain shows. At first, I developed a keen obsession with Murder She Wrote starring Angela Lansbury as Jessica Fletcher. This lasted for about 2 months before I uncovered the loveliest most purely romantic couple I have witnessed on TV. That is . . . Gomez and Morticia Addams. Addams? You mean the scary characters from the Halloween movies? Yes, but this is a bleak misconception. In fact, they exude a romance so tender and true that no other characters seem to be able to achieve it.

The Love Doves 1964

The TV show I am referring to is the one starring John Astin as Gomez and Carolyn Jones as Morticia in 1964. If you haven't seen it you are missing out BIG! The two lovers carry a desire for each other that is palpable even on screen. Morticia and Gomez encapsulate a couple whom live together with children and manage to keep their relationship delightful and alive. It is filmed in black and white but that doesn't subdue my keen interest in the plot and romance development. Right now I am on Season 2 and I couldn't believe there are more than 30 full episodes to a single season! Wowza!

Morticia enjoying her morning tea while outside. 1991

Morticia Addams is by far my favorite character. She is inherently a unique temperate woman unlike any character I have seen portrayed on screen. Anjelica Huston does a phenomenal job at presenting Morticia in the 90s films as well. But I believe Morticia is not an evil being. Sure she wears black and looks like a vampire but she is really not. She simply chooses to wear black but does not carry any evil or sexualizing intent along with her. She is simply a slim beautiful woman who wants to live as herself. Why is that evil? I don't think so.

Yes, she is involved with spiritual warfare but we all can come to know Christ when the given day comes. And she certainly is not one to commit gluttony. All of the depictions of her are very slim and elegantly slender. Alongside this, she upholds a daily routine (in the house or out) and remains faithful to it alongside her husband. She is not afraid to explore and present herself in a manner she finds suits her personality. She does not strive for absolute perfection and wear designer clothes to show off her assets! Morticia adores cold weather and any kind of dark downcast storm. Many people perceive cold weather as gloomy and sad. Quite on the contrary, Morticia appreciates gloomy weather on an entire other entity of her existence. In fact, she doesn't mind feeling; gloomy, sad, depressed, anguished, or miserable at all! Everything that life throws her way presents a chance to grow and flourish. To forgive, love, and learn. Pain is a part of life and there is no shame in feeling it.

Now . . . what does a day in the life of Morticia Addams look like? Well . . . she certainly does not waste her time moping around her Victorian mansion. She might be anguished but she has a list of accomplishments attributed to her days. Some of her loved hobbies include; knitting, gardening, painting, drawing, writing, cooking, reading, enhancing her toilet, and sleeping! Yes the last one is a bit ironic but Morticia LOVES to sleep. It is most likely her most beloved hobby. Because Morticia is not afraid of reveling her inner most feelings. Therefore, whenever she feels groggy or lacking initiative she takes a nice nap to recharge herself. No shame! Even in the movie there is an entire scene devoted to her lying in bed!

I am utterly content in this cold mansion shuffling my cold hands distracting my hunger with my shiny red nails!

Morticia is highly eclectic (like me) and is not afraid to try new things! She knows that "Normality is an illusion" and does not conform to modern advancements or short-lived trends. She may be a stay-at-home mother but she is certainly not bored. Her days are packed with ravishing kisses and intricate achievements derived from her distinct persona. More so, she has made the decision of marrying Gomez Addams who is certainly not the most handsomest devil in the book. But Morticia loves him for his inner qualities and spirit. He is; a hopeless romantic, respectful, funny, and intensely enthralled with Morticia. In other words, Morticia does not inherently value vanity. Yes, she wears a lot of makeup but her inner desires are revealed for she wedded Gomez. She loves when Gomez cherishes her and kisses her arms. Morticia is a woman who loves to be respected and she certainly knows Gomez will always be her companion.

Some viewers may perceive Morticia as the Queen and Gomez as her meek, submissive assistant. In the movies, he does seem to cater to her every whim. As like all relationships, they are procured in a certain way for a reason. Perhaps Morticia knew a good looking Prince Charming whom she fell madly in love with. Lets call him Michael. Michael broke Morticias naive heart when she was young. For he did not love Morticia back to the extent she did.

From that relationship on Morticia swore to never let herself fall for another man of status again. She realized they were cynical and did not awaken a relationship that could mature and develop. Hence, she sought out in the world for a man of kindness, humility, and love. When she met Gomez she was not initially attracted to him as she was to Michael. However, as Morticia became closer with Gomez she grew attraction to his internal love for her. She knew if she will marry Gomez that he will be a loyal companion to her for the rest of their lives. And it certainly did occur so. Morticia recognized she would rather marry a man who loves her very much than someone who she was attracted to but did not love her back. Hey . . . life isn't perfect! After all, Morticia grows more attracted to Gomez everyday. He adores her so much that he ceases to let her down in anyway. This reason being because he is actually nervous at times Morticia will leave him for someone else. But Morticia would not dream of this now regarding they have children together and possess an infinite relationship unlike many others.

For if the day ever came when Morticia leaves Gomez . . .

By Julia Rae (Morticia's best friend from liberal arts college ny)

Enjoy the video of true love!


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