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The 3 R's

What are the 3 R's? Are they important? How does this help us as a whole?

The 3 R's stand for 3 words. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! And YES! They are very very very important! In fact our ecosystem probably could no longer exist if we do not follow these 3 R's.

Reducing is cutting back on the amount of trash we as people make. Yes, you better believe that all of those products we buy add up to landfill that = POLLUTION! Everything you ever decide to throw out will become landfill if not incinerated.

Reusing is finding a new way to use trash so we do not throw it out For instance; a glass water bottle or a tooth brush. (Check out my Page on Good Life Goals to purchase a filtered glass bottle!)

Recycling is using trash to make new goods that can be sold again. For instance, my organic cotton shirt can be recycled again to make a tote bag. Pretty cool ... Huh? ;)

The reason we need to use the 3 R's to our best abilities is because our landfills cannot hold as much garbage as we are producing anymore. If we keep producing waste, we will run out of room. We need to cut back on the amount of trash we throw away!

Now that you know what they are; you can help! Here a just 5 things you can do to make a huge change in the world!

1) Try to dispose of items as little as possible and use items that can easily be reused more often!

2) Donate old furniture, clothes, and books to your local donation centers.

3) Support eco-friendly businesses

4) Bring your re-usable water bottle with you e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!!!!!

5) Recycle recyclable items! ( Glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum )

If you just follow these 5 simple steps you will be on your way to making the world a much more eco-friendly, clean, healthy place! For the whole ecosystem!

Good Luck.



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